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  • 克里米亚战争

    Please don’t worry about my current embarrassment, I already know the fickle heart, understand the muddy moving forward, will have the gentleness of self-cultivation, and hold up the strength of style I want.

  • 克里米亚战争


  • 克里米亚战争

    很多句子都值得细品,润物细无声。 The small truth has words that are clear;the great truth has great silence.

  • 克里米亚战争
    W.R 🍒


  • 克里米亚战争

    正如毛姆说:文学的最高形式是诗歌 诗歌是文学的终极目的 它是人的心灵最崇高的活动 它是美的捷径

  • 克里米亚战争
    周瑞生 (Richard)


  • 克里米亚战争


  • 克里米亚战争

    “哦 大海” “你用什么来表达” “是无尽的疑问” “哦 天空” “你用什么来回答” “是永久的沉默”

  • 克里米亚战争


  • 克里米亚战争

    If you shed tears when you miss the sun,you also miss the stars.如果你因错过太阳而垂泪你也将错过星光

  • 克里米亚战争

    转:最开始读他的诗,每一句都是那么柔美,淡淡的像一个邻家男孩儿和我讲述他的见闻,他的心得以及他所热爱的一切。他像一个天使一样把自己对世界的热爱轻撒成一句句诗篇,浇筑成一个个故事。可以说,泰戈尔的诗是春天里初放的花蕾。仿佛世间的一切都是美好的,朝气蓬勃,像初来世界的生命一般。这是一种浪漫的理想主义。 这个世界是彩色的,是浪漫的,是抒情的。泰戈尔他不是沉迷于自己的世界。他看到了我们同样看到的黑暗与不公,贫瘠与痛苦。可他同样愿意用自己的全部去填充世界,用自己的浪漫去书写自己的篇章。这才是热爱生活的真谛。自怨自艾永远改变不了自己的生活,选择接受和改变,提高与升华才是真正改变自己,改变环境,改变生活的方法。 一花一世界,一叶一菩提。这世界是美好的,也不缺发现美好的眼睛。这世界同时是黑暗的,可我们的心向往光明。

  • 克里米亚战争


  • 克里米亚战争


  • 克里米亚战争
    F@NG 19+1🌍


  • 克里米亚战争

    2021年3月15日星期一 祝福早安 天气晴朗 气温13℃ 泰戈尔《飞鸟集:英汉对照》 God kisses the finite in his love and man the infinite. 上帝用爱吻着有限 而人吻着无限 Thy sunshine smiles upon the winter days of my heart,never doubting of its spring flowers. 你的阳光 对我心的冬日微笑 不必怀疑 它春华的绽放 Let me feel this world as thy love taking form,then my love will help it. 让我感觉到 这世界是你的爱形成的吧 于是我的爱也将帮助它 God waits for man to regain his childhood in wisdom. 上帝期待 人在知识中找回童年 The world loved man when he smiled.The world became afraid of him when he laughed. 人微笑时 世界爱他 当他大笑 世界便怕了他 The silent night has the beauty of the mother and the clamorous day of the child. 寂静的黑夜有母亲的美 喧嚣的白昼有孩子的美 I have suffered and despaired and known death and I am glad that I am in this great world. 我曾经苦痛 曾经绝望 曾经体味死亡 而我依旧欣喜 在这大千世界徜徉 Blessed is he whose fame does not outshine his truth. 被赐福的人 名望未盖过真实 Truth seems to come with its final word;and the final word gives birth to its next. 真理仿佛与结论同来 结论又孕育出下一个真理 Sweetness of thy name fills my heart when I forget mine—like thy morning sun when the mist is melted. 当我忘却自己的名字 我的心里便充满你名字的甜蜜 正如你的晨曦 令雾霭消弭 The storm of the last night has crowned this morning with golden peace. 昨夜的风雨 以金色的安宁 为今晨加冕 Truth raises against itself the storm that scatters its seeds broadcast. 真理卷起狂风暴雨反对自己 狂风暴雨散播了真理的种子 Clouds come floating into my life from other days no longer to shed rain or usher storm but to give colour to my sunset sky. 往昔日子里的云朵 飘进我的生活 已不再风起雨落 只给我的夕阳晚霞 添彩增色 Some day I shall sing to thee in the sunrise of some other world,“I have seen thee before in the light of the earth,in the love of man.” 会有一天 伴着另一世界的晨光 我将对你歌唱 我以前曾经见过你 在地球的光里 在人间的爱里 When I stand before thee at the day's end thou shalt see my scars and know that I had my wounds and also my healing. 当白昼结束 我站在你面前 你将看见我的疤痕 并且知道我曾受过的伤 以及我的康复 Put out the lamp when thou wishest.I shall know thy darkness and shall love it. 你愿意时 就熄了灯吧 我将懂得你的黑暗 还爱着它 Love's pain sang round my life like the unplumbed sea,and love's joy sang like birds in its flowering groves. 爱的痛苦 仿佛莫测海洋 围绕我的生命歌唱 爱的欢乐 犹如鸟儿在花丛欢唱 Let them live who choose in their own hissing world of fireworks.My heart longs for thy stars,my God. 就让他们生活在烟火喧嚣的世界 那是他们的选择 我的上帝 我的心渴望着你的繁星 There are tracts in my life that are bare and silent.They are the open spaces where my busy days had their light and air. 在我生命里 有空白而寂静的领域 那是几片开放的空地 我忙碌的日子 曾在那里享受过阳光和空气 Lead me in the centre of thy silence to fill my heart with songs. 在你沉默的中心把我引领 让我的心中充满歌声 Release me from my unfulfilled past clinging to me from behind making death difficult. 让我解脱吧 从我未竟的过去 它从背后缠住我 使我难以死去 Let this be my last word,that I trust in thy love. 让这作为我最后一句 我相信你的爱 They light their own lamps and sing their own words in their temples.But the birds sing thy name in thine own morning light,—for thy name is joy. 他们点亮自己的灯 在自己的庙中 用自己的言语吟诵 而鸟儿在你的晨光中 歌唱你的姓名 欢乐便是你的姓名 Love is life in its fullness like the cup with its wine. 爱是充盈的生命 仿佛斟满的酒盅 While I was passing with the crowd in the road I saw thy smile from the balcony and I sang and forgot all noise. 当我随着人群走过街道 看见你在阳台上微笑 于是我歌唱 忘却了所有喧闹 I shall die again and again to know that life is inexhaustible. 我将一再地死去 以领悟生的无穷 I have seen thee as the half-awakened child sees his mother in the dusk of the dawn and then smiles and sleeps again. 我曾经看见你 像个半梦半醒的孩子 在黎明的微光里瞥见母亲 于是微微一笑又睡去 Let the dead have the immortality of fame,but the living the immortality of love. 让死者拥有不朽的声名 而生者拥有永恒的爱情 We live in this world when we love it. 我们热爱世界时 便活在这世界 Things look phantastic in this dimness of the dusk—the spires whose bases are lost in the dark and tree-tops like blots of ink.I shall wait for the morning and wake up to see thy city in the light. 在朦胧的暮霭里 万物如影似幻 黑暗里 尖塔如悬 树冠宛如墨点 我将等待黎明 醒来看你的城市 在阳光中显现 One word keep for me in thy silence,O World,when I am dead,“I have loved.” 世界呵 当我死的时候 请在你的沉默中 为我留下一句话 我曾经爱过 The lamp of meeting burns long;it goes out in a moment at the parting. 相聚时 灯长明 别离时 灯骤停 The day of work is done.Hide my face in your arms,Mother.Let me dream. 一天的工作已完成 把我的脸埋在您的双臂中 母亲 且让我入梦 Light in my heart the evening star of rest and then let the night whisper to me of love. 请在我心头点亮休憩的黄昏之星 然后让黑夜对我私语着爱情 Let my thoughts come to you,when I am gone,like the afterglow of sunset at the margin of starry silence. 当我离去的时候 让我的思想陪伴你身旁 宛如落日的余晖 映照着天际寂静的星光 I came to your shore as a stranger,I lived in your house as a guest,I leave your door as a friend,my earth. 大地呵 我抵达你岸时还很陌生 我住在你家时是个客人 我离开你门时成了良朋 Through the sadness of all things I hear the crooning of the Eternal Mother. 穿过万物的忧伤 我听到永恒之母的浅吟低唱 The night's flower was late when the morning kissed her,she shivered and sighed and dropped to the ground. 黑夜迟开的花 当清晨吻上她 她颤栗 叹息 凋落在地 I have learnt the simple meaning of thy whispers in flowers and sunshine—teach me to know thy words in pain and death. 我已经懂得 您在鲜花和阳光里的微言大义 再教我明白 您在痛苦和死亡时的低声絮语 Death belongs to life as birth does.The walk is in the raising of the foot as in the laying of it down. 死亡同于出生 都属于生命 抬脚同于落脚 都属于步行 I do not ask thee into the house.Come into my infinite loneliness,my Lover. 我的爱人 我不要求你走进我屋 请走进我无尽的孤独 I have sung the songs of thy day.In the evening let me carry thy lamp through the stormy path. 我已经唱过您的白昼之声 在这黄昏时分 让我提着您的灯 穿过这风雨如磐的小径 I am in the world of the roads.The night comes.Open thy gate,thou world of the home. 我处在路网的世界 夜幕降临了 开门吧 你这家的世界 The little flower lies in the dust.It sought the path of the butterfly. 小花躺在尘土里 它寻觅过蝴蝶的小路 The trembling leaves of this tree touch my heart like the fingers of an infant child. 这树颤动的叶子 触动着我的心 仿佛婴儿的手指 Let your music,like a sword,pierce the noise of the market to its heart. 让你的音乐 如一把利剑 把市井喧嚣的心刺穿 I have scaled the peak and found no shelter in fame's bleak and barren height.Lead me,my Guide,before the light fades,into the valley of quiet where life's harvest mellows into golden wisdom. 我曾登上峰顶 发现荣誉的高处荒凉贫瘠 找不到栖身之地 我的引路人呵 趁着光明未逝 引领我进入静寂的山谷 我人生的收获在那里 成熟为金黄的睿智 The prelude of the night is commenced in the music of the sunset,in its solemn hymn to the ineffable dark. 夜的序曲 始于落日的乐章 始于庄严的颂歌 它赞美黑暗 难以名状 I long for the Island of Songs across this heaving Sea of Shouts. 我渴望 穿越这汹涌澎湃的海洋 抵达彼岛 歌声悠扬 I feel thy gaze upon my heart this moment like the sunny silence of the morning upon the lonely field whose harvest is over. 此刻 我感觉到你的凝望 正落在我的心上 仿佛沉默的晨光 照在收割后孤寂的田野上 Man's history is waiting in patience for the triumph of the insulted man. 人类的历史 在耐心地等待着受辱者的胜利 Let me live truly,my Lord,so that death to me becomes true. 我的主呵 让我真实地活着吧 如此 死亡于我 也将成真 God comes to me in the dusk of my evening with the flowers from my past kept fresh in his basket. 在黄昏的幽暗里 上帝来到我这里 带来我往昔的花朵 在他的篮中犹自鲜活 When all the strings of my life will be tuned,my Master,then at every touch of thine will come out the music of love. 我的主呵 当我生命的琴弦都已调试妥当 你的每一次触碰 都将流淌出爱的乐章 We shall know some day that death can never rob us of that which our soul has gained,for her gains are one with herself. 总有一天我们会明白 死神永远无法夺走灵魂获得的东西 因为她的所得和她合为一体 That love can ever lose is a fact that we cannot accept as truth. 爱会失去 这是事实 而我们无法接受这一真理 The smell of the wet earth in the rain rises like a great chant of praise from the voiceless multitude of the insignificant. 雨中泥土的芬芳升腾 仿佛沉默无语的芸芸众生 发出的宏大的赞美歌声 I dream of a star,an island of light,where I shall be born and in the depth of its quickening leisure my life will ripen its works like the rice-field in the autumn sun. 我梦见一颗星 一个光明之岛 我将在那里出生 在它生机勃勃的闲暇深处 我的人生将使它的作品成熟 仿佛稻田沐浴在 秋日的阳光中 Tonight there is a stir among the palm leaves,a swell in the sea,Full Moon,like the heart-throb of the world.From what unknown sky hast thou carried in thy silence the aching secret of love? 满月呵 今夜 棕榈叶随风摇动 海上波涛汹涌 仿佛世界的心悸 你从何处未知的天宇 悄悄地带来 爱的痛苦秘密 Cheerless is the day,the light under frowning clouds is like a punished child with traces of tears on its pale cheeks,and the cry of the wind is like the cry of a wounded world.But I know I am travelling to meet my Friend. 这是阴郁的一天 在蹙眉的云层下面 阳光像个受罚的孩子 泪痕残留在他苍白的脸 风的呼号 仿佛受伤世界的哭喊 而我明白 我正长途跋涉 去和我的朋友相见 Let me not shame thee,Father,who displayest thy glory in thy children. 父亲 您在孩子身上展现您的荣光 莫让我令您蒙羞 Thou wilt find,Eternal Traveler,marks of thy footsteps across my songs. 永恒的旅行者呵 在我的歌声里 你会处处发现 你的足迹 God's silence ripens man's thoughts into speech.

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