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  • 中国历史常识(2021版)

    《六级晨读美文100篇》收入了100篇原版英语文章的精彩节选, 力图在轻松愉快的阅读氛围中帮助读者丰富和强化英语基础知识,激发学习兴趣,提升英语能力。本书由以下四个部分构成:美丽英文、激情演讲、趣味时文和真题精选。其中,“美丽英文”部分包含经典名篇,拉尔夫·沃尔多·爱默生的《论美》,还包含一些其他意境优美的文章;“激情演讲”部分所节选的内容均出自现当代精彩演讲,它们或幽默而富有智慧,或理性而发人深省,每一篇都充满震撼人心的力量;“趣味时文”大多为英美报纸杂志上的文章,话题丰富多样,富有趣味;“真题精选”部分的文章选自历年六级阅读真题,选材多样,有助于读者加深对真题的理解和把握。

  • 中国历史常识(2021版)


  • 中国历史常识(2021版)

    2020年11月9日星期一 祝福早安 天气多云 温度8℃ ★英语六级晨读美文★ 阅读的最大理由是想摆脱平庸。 早一天,就多一分人生的精彩; 迟一天,就多一天平庸的困扰。 ——余秋雨 我想要好好的阅读 我也想要更好成长 那么每天就多读书 每天多长点见识吧 今天早晨我们研究生被要求去升国旗 所以七点多时候我们就去操场升国旗 我看到有人说这完全就是形式主义啊 但我想每个人会对此有不同的见解吧 如果想要真正自由不被哪个国家束缚 那么我们真的就需要好好学习英语的 当我们考过了雅思托福GRE那些以后 我们想去哪里定居都是很容易的事情 所以我还是要好好的好好的学习英语 ★赐我自由★ 赐自由的灵啊 求你来 来到我的里面 来到我的生活 赶走生活中的愁烦 驱走我心中的不安 你的灵啊 在哪里 哪里就有自由 世界虽有劳苦重担 求你灵来赐我自由 ★摘录★ All men are in some degree impressed by the face of the world; some men even to delight. This love of beauty is Taste. Others have the same love in such excess, that, not content with admiring, they seek to embody it in new forms. The creation of beauty is Art. The production of a work of art throws a light upon the mystery of humanity. A work of art is an abstract or epitome of the world. It is the result or expression of nature, in miniature. For although the works of nature are innumerable and all different, the result or the expression of them all is similar and single. Nature is a sea of forms radically alike and even unique. A leaf, a sunbeam, a landscape, the ocean, make an analogous impression on the mind. What is common to them all—that perfectness and harmony, is beauty. The standard of beauty is the entire circuit of nature forms, the totality of nature; Nothing is quite beautiful alone; nothing but is beautiful in the whole. A single object is only so far beautiful as it suggests this universal grace. The poet, the painter, the sculptor, the musician, the architect, seek each to concentrate this radiance of the world on one point, and each in his several work to satisfy the love of beauty which stimulates him to produce. Thus is Art a nature passed through the alembic of man. The world thus exists to the soul to satisfy the desire of beauty. This element I call an ultimate end. No reason can be asked or given why the soul seeks beauty. Beauty, in its largest and profoundest sense, is one expression for the universe. 人们对世间之美多少都有所体会,有些人甚至为之感到欢喜。这种爱美之心可谓之“品味”。另一些人爱美尤甚,不能满足于仰慕,进而寻求以新的形式体现美。创造美,是为“艺术”。 艺术作品的创造为揭开人类的神秘面纱创造了契机。艺术作品是世界的精华,也是世界的缩影。微观上,它们是大自然的产物或是表现形式。尽管自然界的作品难以计数且各不相同,它们的产物却是相似统一的。大自然包罗万象,本质相同,却又各具特色。一片树叶、一缕阳光、一道风景、一汪海洋,虽不是同一种景物,但是给人的感受却是相似的。所有这些事物的共同点在于,完美与和谐构成了美。美的标准是整个自然界万事万物汇聚在一起,没有什么单独看起来很美,只有整体才是美的。单独的物体只有在反射万物之美时才会如此美丽。诗人、画家、雕塑家、音乐家、建筑家采用不同的形式,将世界的光辉集中于一点,通过其作品满足人们的爱美之心,而这又反过来激励他们去创造美。因而,艺术就是大自然通过人心的净化而形成的。 所以世界的存在,是为了满足人们灵魂中爱美的渴望。在我看来,这是最终极的目标。对于为什么灵魂会寻求美这个问题,没有原因,也没有答案。美,从最宏大和最深远的意义上说,是一种对宇宙的表述。 One summer, along about 1904, my father rented a camp on a lake in Maine and took us all there for the month of August. And from then on none of us ever thought there was any place in the world like that lake in Maine. We returned summer after summer—always on August 1st for one month. I have since become a salt-water man, but sometimes in summer there are days when I miss the placidity of a lake in the woods. A few weeks ago this feeling got so strong I returned to the lake where we used to go, for a week's fishing and to revisit old haunts. On the journey over to the lake I began to wonder what it would be like. I wondered how time would have marred this unique, this holy spot—the coves and streams, the hills that the sun set behind, the camps and the paths behind the camps. I was sure that the tarred road would have found it out and I wondered in what other ways it would be desolated. It is strange how much you can remember about places like that once you allow your mind to return into the grooves which lead back. You remember one thing, and that suddenly reminds you of another thing. I guess I remembered clearest of all the early mornings, when the lake was cool and motionless, remembered how the bedroom smelled of the lumber it was made of and of the wet woods whose scent entered through the screen. The partitions in the camp were thin and did not extend clear to the top of the rooms, and as I was always the first up I would dress softly so as not to wake the others, and sneak out into the sweet outdoors and start out in the canoe, keeping close along the shore in the long shadows of the pines. I remembered being very careful never to rub my paddle against the gunwale for fear of disturbing the stillness of the cathedral… Summertime, oh summertime, pattern of life indelible, the fade-proof lake, the woods unshatterable, the pasture with the sweet fern and the juniper forever and ever, summer without end. It seemed to me, as I kept remembering all this, that those times and those summers had been infinitely precious and worth saving. There had been jollity and peace and goodness. He who cherishes a beautiful vision and a lofty ideal in his heart, will one day realize it. Columbus cherished a vision of another world, and he discovered it; Copernicus fostered the vision of a multiplicity of worlds and a wider universe, and he revealed it. The greatest achievement was at first and for a time a dream. The oak sleeps in the acorn; the bird waits in the egg; and in the highest vision of the soul a waking angel stirs. Dreams are the seedlings of realities. Your circumstances may be uncongenial, but they shall not long remain so if you perceive an ideal and strive to reach it. You cannot travel within and stand still without. And you, too, youthful reader, will realize the vision of your heart, be it base or beautiful, or a mixture of both, for you will always gravitate toward that which you, secretly, most love. Into your hands will be placed the exact results of your own thoughts, you will receive that which you earn; no more, no less. Whatever your present environment may be, you will fall, remain, or rise with your thoughts, your vision, your ideal. You will become as small as your controlling desire; as great as your dominant aspiration. The thoughtless, the ignorant, and the indolent, seeing only the apparent effects of things and not the things themselves, talk of luck, of fortune, and chance. Seeing a man grown rich, they say, “How lucky he is!” Observing another become intellectual, they exclaim, “How highly favored he is!” In all human affairs there are efforts, and there are results, and the strength of the effort is the measure of the result. Chance is not. Gifts, powers, material, intellectual, and spiritual possessions are the fruits of effort; they are thoughts completed, objects accomplished, visions realized. The vision that you glorify in your mind, the ideal that you enthrone in your heart—this your will build your life by, this you will become. One evening I look out the window of my secluded cabin, and there are soft languid flakes falling in the golden lamplight. They fall all night, while the voice of the Teal River becomes more and more hushed and the noises of the forest die away. By dawn, the whole world of stream and wood and mountain has been kindled to a white flame of beauty. I go out in the early morning and there is such silence that even breath is a profanation. The mountain to the north has a steel-blue light on it, and to the west the sky still holds something of the darkness of the night. To the east and the south a faint pink is spreading. I look up and see the morning star keeping white watch over a white world. After heavy snowfalls, it is the evergreens that are the loveliest, with their great white branches weighted down until they are almost parallel with the trunks. They seem like giant birds with their wings folded against the cold. The sky is clear blue now and the sun has flung diamonds down on meadow and bank and wood. The silence is dense and deep. Even the squirrels have stopped their chattering. And faint snowbird whisperings seems to emphasize the stillness. Night comes, and the silence holds. There is a feeling about this season that is in no other—a sense of snugness, security and solitude. It is good to be out in the bracing cold, which clears the mind and invigorate the heart. Blanket, fire is a first-rate companion. The coffee is full-bodied and fragrant; shadows dance on the walls and the world outside my windows is very still. I am more than content to begin and end a day like this amid all the calm clarity of wintered earth.

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