早早挑好上海译文的译本却还是决定先看原著…To say goodbye is to die a little…移步中文版之后会再回来反复体会。
“To say goodbye is to die a little. ....... So long, amigo” 硬汉浪漫情怀标配故事
Hollywood-style detective story, not much about gangster, not as tough as goodbye itself.
Most people go through life using up half their energy trying to protect a dignity they never had. Just fool themselves~
“To say goodbye is to die a little.” Marlowe felt strong and responsible about losing a man he liked, and risked his life to dig out the truth. He wanted to honour the man’s death with decency and that’s his way of saying goodbye to him. Throughout this process he said goodbye to a writer he doesn’t hate, a woman he’s physically attracted to but has no empathy with, a woman he has a mental connection with, and eventually the person that got him started with all this. He said goodbye to a friendship that was beautiful yet fragile. 人生若只如初见。But hey Marlowe, why don’t you just grow up and have that gimlet?! Spectacular literature by the way. Never thought one would write a mystery book in such a leisure way. 以为自己打开了一本侦探小说,没想到读了一本散文集。
It is the first English book which I finished all in English. It tells me that don' t hesitate, just for more, more words more sentences more pages, then it ends. A good book that filled with many words or sentences touching you from time to time. Life is full of Goodbyes, but I don't get used to it till now.
看惯了好莱坞大片中的硬汉。 在《漫长的告别》中看到了不一样的硬汉,也读到了硬汉电影中不曾看到过的悲伤。
to say goodbye is to die a little. 很值得玩味的一句话。很有意思的故事,跌宕起伏都拿捏的很好,推荐👍
虽然已看过Vintage Books版本,不介意再收藏一份电子版的,以供随身翻阅love that to say goodbye is to die a little.>///<从the big sleep一顺溜读下来发现,钱德勒小说框架基本上已经固定好猜,到playback已有点“精疲力竭”。高窗略有不同,顺便推荐下~
Not very engaging. Writing style is a bit tedious. And subject material not super exciting. And. Terry is a lame name.
“被村上春树读上十几遍的硬汉文学”,光是这个标签就勾得我一定要读完整本,倒要看看迷倒村上的硬汉形象到底如何。 书中的主人公真是侠义与柔情的化身了。不苟言笑,不计代价,不求回报。 我喜欢看书里的人物仔细泡一杯咖啡时的对话,以及在酒吧里点上一杯酒时的开场白。他们谈论这个城市,明确地表达好恶,迅速地发现彼此是志同道合的人。 “A city no worse than others, a city rich and vigorous and full of pride, a city lost and beaten and full of emptiness. It all depends on where you sit and what your own private score is. I didn’t have one. I didn’t care. I finished the drink and went to bed.”