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  • 唐诗三百首(注解本)


  • 唐诗三百首(注解本)

    有一个夜晚我烧毁了所有的记忆,从此我的梦就透明了;有一个早晨我扔掉了所有的昨天,从此我的脚步就轻盈了。如果你感到委屈,证明你还有底线 。如果你感到迷茫,证明你还有追求 。如果你感到痛苦,证明你还有力气 。如果你感到绝望,证明你还有希望 。

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  • 唐诗三百首(注解本)


  • 唐诗三百首(注解本)

    Sit still, my heart, do not raise your dust. Let the world find its way to you. 静静地坐着吧,我的心,不要扬起你的尘土。让世界自己寻路向你走来。

  • 唐诗三百首(注解本)


  • 唐诗三百首(注解本)

    读泰戈尔的诗:Freedom, 有感。深渊黑暗里爬行,千年沉重镣铐在身,骷髅的躯体,遍布红绿翻卷的伤痕。望不到边的黑暗,更暗;看不到底的深涧,更深。噢,Motherland, 泰戈尔为她命运沾襟,华族子孙为你哭泣。[捂脸]

  • 唐诗三百首(注解本)

    这个评分给全集之《Fruit Gathering》。泰戈尔文字恬美静谧,诗中有宇宙星辰,有山河大海,有禅意,有热情,有诗人自己。读下去。

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  • 唐诗三百首(注解本)

    曾经的我喜欢看最炫酷的英雄电影,上着大学,却嘲笑写诗的人(有的人诗确实有些油腻、单调、甚至自命不凡)。可能不止是我,因为这个时代就是物质生活极大丰富,但精神生活极其匮乏… 泰戈尔的诗清澈又神秘,据说徐志摩受他影响很大,有空也要拜读一下,可惜自己的英文不够好,不能看懂英文原版,总感觉中文翻译的韵味不足,就像我们古代的诗歌也很难翻译成英文一样,不过有些微妙的地方翻译很巧妙。

  • 唐诗三百首(注解本)

    “我的向导 我是个走在漫漫无尽道路上的旅人 请你接受我这位流浪者的敬礼”

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    Some unseen fingers, like an idle breeze, are playing upon my heart the music of the ripples.

  • 唐诗三百首(注解本)

    2021年4月25日 星期日 主日平安 天气晴朗 气温9℃ 🍃泰戈尔《飞鸟集》🍃 长日尽处 我站在你的面前 你将看到我的疤痕 知道我曾经受伤 也曾经痊愈 ——泰戈尔《飞鸟集》 昨天考英语专业八级,整体的试卷给我的感觉就是诗与远方,英语专八翻译是最简单的,就是关于远行的,青年的远行,去追逐自己的所爱。 而我最近为了考专八,从研究生学校跑来本科学校,从云南昆明跑来吉林长春,那也是跋山涉水的,也是在追逐我的远方。希望每一天都过着诗意的生活吧! 读读诗歌,让日子变得美好一点! Stray Birds 飞鸟集 译者序 《飞鸟集》曾经全译出来一次,因为我自己的不满意,所以又把它删节为现在的选译本。以前,我曾看有人把这诗集选译过,但似乎错得太多,因此我译时不曾拿它来参考。 近来小诗十分发达,他们的作者大半都是直接或间接受泰戈尔此集的影响的。此集的介绍,对于没有机会得读原文的,至少总有些贡献。 这诗集的一部分译稿是积了许多时候的。却大部分都是在西湖俞楼译的。 我在此谢谢叶圣陶、徐玉诺二君。他们替我很仔细地校读过这部译文,并且供给了许多重要的意见给我。 郑振铎 1 Stray birds of summer come to my window to sing and fly away. And yellow leaves of autumn, which have no songs, flutter and fall there with a sigh. 2 O Troupe of little vagrants of the world, leave your footprints in my words. 3 The world puts off its mask of vastness to its lover. It becomes small as one song, as one kiss of the eternal. 4 It is the tears of the earth that keep her smiles in bloom. 5 The mighty desert is burning for the love of a blade of grass who shakes her head and laughs and flies away. 6 If you shed tears when you miss the sun, you also miss the stars. 7 The sands in your way beg for your song and your movement, dancing water. Will you carry the burden of their lameness? 8 Her wishful face haunts my dreams like the rain at night. 9 Once we dreamt that we were strangers. We wake up to find that we were dear to each other. 10 Sorrow is hushed into peace in my heart like the evening among the silent trees. 1 夏天的飞鸟,飞到我窗前唱歌,又飞去了。 秋天的黄叶,它们没有什么可唱,只叹息一声,飞落在那里。 2 世界上的一队小小的漂泊者呀,请留下你们的足印在我的文字里。 3 世界对着它的爱人,把它浩翰的面具揭下了。 它变小了,小如一首歌,小如一回永恒的接吻。 4 是大地的泪点,使她的微笑保持着青春不谢。 5 无垠的沙漠热烈地追求一叶绿草的爱,她摇摇头笑着飞开了。 6 如果你因失去了太阳而流泪,那么你也将失去群星了。 7 跳舞着的流水呀,在你途中的泥沙,要求你的歌声、你的流动呢。你肯挟跛足的泥沙而俱下吗? 8 她的热切的脸,如夜雨似的,搅扰着我的梦魂。 9 有一次,我们梦见大家都是不相识的。 我们醒了,却知道我们原是相亲相爱的。 10 忧思在我的心里平静下去,正如暮色降临在寂静的山林中。 The Gardener 园丁集 1 Servant HAVE mercy upon your servant, my queen! Queen The assembly is over and my servants are all gone. Why do you come at this late hour? Servant When you have finished with others, that is my time. I come to ask what remains for your last servant to do. Queen What can you expect when it is too late? Servant Make me the gardener of your flower garden. Queen What folly is this? Servant I will give up my other work. I throw my swords and lances down in the dust. Do not send me to distant courts; do not bid me undertake new conquests. But make me the gardener of your flower garden. Queen What will your duties be? 仆人 请对你的仆人开恩吧,我的女王! 女王 集会已经开过并且我的仆人们都走了。为什么你来得这么晚呢? 仆人 你与别人谈过后,就是我的时间了。 我来问问有什么剩余的工作,好让你的最后一个仆人去做。 女王 这么晚了你还期望做什么呢? 仆人 让我做你花园里的园丁吧。 女王 这是什么蠢想法呢? 仆人 我要舍弃别的工作。 我把剑矛扔在尘土里。请不要派遣我去遥远的宫廷;不要命令我从事新的征讨。只求你让我做花园里的园丁吧。 女王 你的职责是什么呢? Servant The service of your idle days. I will keep fresh the grassy path where you walk in the morning, where your feet will be greeted with praise at every step by the flowers eager for death. I will swing you in a swing among the branches of the saptaparna, where the early evening moon will struggle to kiss your skirt through the leaves. I will replenish with scented oil the lamp that burns by your bedside, and decorate your footstool with sandal and saffron paste in wondrous designs. Queen What will you have for your reward? Servant To be allowed to hold your little fists like tender lotus-buds and slip flower chains over your wrists; to tinge the soles of your feet with the red juice of ask ok a petals and kiss away the speck of dust that may chance to linger there. Queen Your prayers are granted, my servant, your will be the gardener of my flower garden. 仆人 为你空闲的日子服务。 我将保持你早晨散步的草径清新舒爽,你每一移步将有甘于就死的繁花来欢迎你的双足以赞颂。 我将在七叶树的枝间摆动你的秋千,傍晚的月亮将挣扎着从叶隙里亲吻你的衣裙。 我将把你床边的灯盏添满香油,我将用檀香和番红花膏为你的脚凳装饰上奇妙的图样。 女王 你要什么作为报酬呢? 仆人 只要你允许我像握着柔嫩的菡萏一般握住你的小拳,把花串套在你的纤腕上;允许我用无忧花的红汁来轻染你的脚底,用亲吻来拂去那偶然间留在那里的尘埃就可以了。 女王 你的祈祷被接受了,我的仆人,你将是我花园里的园丁。 2 "AH, poet, the evening draws near; your hair is turning grey. "Do you in your lonely musing hear the message of the hereafter? " "It is evening, " the poet said, " and I am listening because some one may call from the village, late though it be. "I watch if young straying hearts meet together, and two pairs of eager eyes beg for music to break their silence and speak for them. "Who is there to weave their passionate songs, if I sit on the shore of life and contemplate death and the beyond? "The early evening star disappears. "The glow of a funeral pyre slowly dies by the silent river. "Jackals cry in chorus from the courtyard of the deserted house in the light of the worn-out moon. "If some wanderer, leaving home, come here to watch the night and with bowed head listen to the murmur of the darkness, who is there to whisper the secrets of life into his ears if I shutting my doors, should try to free myself from mortal bonds? “啊,诗人,夜晚临近;你的头发已变斑白。” “在你孤寂的沉思中听到来生的消息了吗?” “夜晚了,”诗人说,“虽夜已晚,我还在静听,因为也许有人会在村落中呼唤。” “我静看着,是否有年轻的飘游的心会聚在一起,两对渴望的眼睛乞求有音乐来打破沉默,并为他们说话。” “如果我坐在生命的岸边默想死亡和来世,又有谁来为他们编织充满激情的诗歌呢?” “早现的晚星隐匿了。” “葬礼柴堆中的辉光在沉静的河边慢慢地熄灭。” “残月的微光下,胡狼在荒废的房子的庭院里齐声哀号。” “假如有游子离开家,到这来守夜,低头聆听黑暗的私语,有谁会把生命的秘密在他耳边轻诉呢,如果我关上门,试图远离尘世的牵扰?” "It is a trifle that my hair is turning grey. "I am ever as young or as old as the youngest and the oldest of this village. "Some have smiles, sweet and simple, and some a sly twinkel in their eyes." "Some have tears that well up in the daylight, and others tears that are hidden in the gloom. "They all have need for me, and I have no time to brood over the after life. "I am of an age with each, what matter if my hair turns grey? " “我的头发变斑白是件小事。” “我永远如村里最年轻的人一样年轻,如最年老的人一样年老。” 有些人眼中含笑,甜美纯净;有些人目光闪烁,狡黠善变。 “有些人在白天流眼泪,有些人在黑暗中隐藏眼泪。” “他们都需要我,我没有时间去沉思来生。” “我和每一个人都是同龄的,我的头发变斑白了又怎样呢?” 3 In the morning I cast my net into the sea. I dragged up from the dark abyss things of strange aspect and strange beauty—some shone like a smile, some glistened like tears, and some were flushed like the cheeks of a bride. When with the day's burden I went home, my love was sitting in the garden idly tearing the leaves of a flower. I hesitated for a moment, and then placed at her feet all that I had dragged up, and stood silent. She glanced at them and said, "What strange things are these? I know not of what use they are! " I bowed my head in shame and thought, "I have not fought for these, I did not buy them in the market; they are not fit gifts for her." Then the whole night through I flung them one by one into the street. In the morning travellers came; they picked them up and carried them into far countries. 早晨我把网撒在海里。 我从黑暗的深渊里拉出奇形奇美的东西——有些像微笑般闪亮,有些像眼泪般闪光,有些像新娘的双颊般晕红。 当我带着一天的负担回到家的时候,我的爱人正坐在花园里悠闲地扯着花的叶子。 我迟疑了一会儿,就把我捞的一切放在了她的脚前,沉默地站着。 她瞥了一眼说:“这是些什么怪东西?不知道这些东西有什么用!” 我羞愧地低下头,心想:“我并没有为这些去奋斗,这些也不是从市场买来的;这不是送给她的礼物。” 整个晚上我把这些东西一件一件地丢到了街上。 早晨行路人过来,他们把这些捡起带到远方去了。 4 Ah me, why did they build my house by the road to the market town? They moor their laden boats near my trees. They come and go and wander at their will. I sit and watch them; my time wears on. Turn them away I cannot. And thus my days pass by. Night and day their steps sound by my door. Vainly I cry, "I do not know you." Some of them are known to my fingers, some to my nostrils, the blood in my veins seems to know them, and some are known to my dreams. Turn them away I cannot. I call them and say, "Come to my house whoever chooses. Yes, come." In the morning the bell rings in the temple. They came with baskets in their hands. Their feet are rosy-red. The early light of dawn is on their faces. Turn them away I cannot. I call them and I say,"Come to my garden to gather flowers. Come hither." In the mid-day the gong sounds at the palace gate. I know not why they leave their work and linger near my hedge. 啊,为什么他们把我的房子建在通向市镇的路边呢? 他们把满载的船拴在我的树上。 他们任意地来回游逛。 我坐着看他们,我的光阴都浪费了。 我不能把他们打发走。于是我的日子就过去了。 日日夜夜他们的脚步声在我门前回荡。 我徒然地喊道:“我不认识你们。” 有些人是我的手指认识的,有些人是我的鼻孔认识的,我脉管中的血液似乎认得他们,有些人是我的魂梦认识的。 我不能把他们打发走。我呼唤他们说:“谁愿意到我房子里来就请来吧。对,来吧。” 清晨,庙里的钟声响起。 他们拿着篮子来了。 他们的脚是玫瑰红色。熹微的晨光照在他们脸上。 我不能把他们打发走。我呼唤他们说:“到我的花园里采花吧。到这里来吧。” 中午,锣声在庙殿门前响起。 我不知道他们为什么放下工作在我篱畔流连。 The flowers in their hair are pale and faded; the notes are languid in their flutes. Turn them away I cannot. I call them and say, "The shade is cool under my trees. Come, friends." At night the crickets chirp in the woods. Who is it that comes slowly to my door and gently knocks? I vaguely see the face, not a word is spoken, the stillness of the sky is all around.

  • 唐诗三百首(注解本)
    李仔熊 ZET

    站在高处企图接触上帝, 而随一众无名之人坠落了。 幽闭无光, 但他渐感大地所孕育的一切所有的无穷力量, 另死亡也战战兢兢。 他从最低的角度仰望思想, 天光大亮。 他所须要的, 已被给予。 他所感受的, 已被见证。 他将自己须要的赠予他人, 将他人感受的一一见证。 他高兴地赤足到处歌唱, 唱给孩子,爱人,战士,水手,花… “上帝在我名为旅行的家中。”

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