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  • 中国历史全知道(彩图精装)
    Jiaming Guo

    毕竟是1910年代的小说,前半部分的情节都不是那么让我惊讶,直到最后Winston被抓到Miniluv的部分。他们的手段看起来真的很普通,拿出一笼子的老鼠的时候我也没觉得出乎意料,更没觉得能改变什么。直到Winston最后说Do it to her,我才明白过来这整个过程的意义。他们的目的从来不是真正意义上的洗脑Winston,他们是要碾碎Winston过去的“自我意识”,让他失去一切支撑他的东西。于是后期他不论接收到什么样的信息,他都只能无条件的接受,他没有足够的自尊去支撑他做出别与他人的思考。这一段情节真的深深震撼了我,仔细一想又是非常合理的情况。再之后,将Winston投入社会的时候,他逐渐地将思想交付于社会来塑形,让我感受到了这个ingsoc手段的强大,毫不夸张地说这等同于将一个完整的人打碎了重塑那样的神力。我也相信,要是真有这样的社会的存在,应该没有方式能真的挑起叛乱,推翻他们。 最后Appendix里的Newspeak也是很有趣的一部分。通过对语言的控制来控制人的思想,这样的想法真的是很科学,放到现在也很难去argue它的现实性。 这本书厉害就厉害在,在作者的设定里没有那么多科幻成分,没有太多超前的科技,所以放在现在也不会过时,而且故事中一切policy的可行性丝毫没受到时代发展的影响,所以这样的故事对于人类来说还是有可能的一种对未来社会的展望。

  • 中国历史全知道(彩图精装)


  • 中国历史全知道(彩图精装)

    “To the future or to the past, to a time whenthought is free, when men are different from one another and do not live alone -to a time when truth exists and what is done cannot be undone”

  • 中国历史全知道(彩图精装)

    In fact l completed the book in  other way.  But can not desist to recommend it. lt is a masterpiece in any time. 

  • 中国历史全知道(彩图精装)


  • 中国历史全知道(彩图精装)

    War is peace, freedom is slavery, and ignorance is Strength are the three statements that appear most often in the book and are seen as the leading lines of the times. When I first read the book, these three sentences seemed to me to be completely contradictory and illogical. But as the world in the book unfolded, I got a glimpse of the theoretical support behind them: War is peace. The world in the book has only three major powers, and they are constantly at war with each other, a complex triangle. From the world's point of view, this is a time of **constant turmoil**. But from the perspective of the nation, it was a time of **unprecedented unit.** All the hatred was directed to the **invaders**, and all the poverty had a cause to be traced. All single forms of entertainment were also deserved. The only pleasure of the people was to watch the execution of their captives. **The only enthusiasm was to look forward to the coming of peace.** At this point, the mind is monolithic. In addition to this, war brings one more benefit—the destruction of surplus materials. It is only when people are struggling to make ends meet that it is difficult for them to be enlightened in their thinking. War is a good excuse. In the words of the book, the problem is how to keep the wheels of industry turning without increasing the wealth of the workers. In other words, Goods must be produced, but they must not be distributed. In practice, this goal can only be achieved through constant warfare. In the book, there is a question: Do you want to live a life of freedom or a life of happiness? I think most people would choose the latter. But happiness comes at a price - the offering of your freedom. The freedom here is not physical, but spiritual and mental. The party invented an electric screen for better control of the mind. It is like a television, which plays music and interrupts the news. In addition to that, it has a recording and monitoring function. It has someone behind it watching your every move. In the world of 1984, there is no family, no friends, no children, no husband, no one can be trusted. A child will eavesdrop through the eyes of a lock and tell on his parents; one of your friends may be a thought police undercover; There is no such thing as falling in love all unions are just obligations to the state. Ignorance is power. All books, movies, newspapers, and other information vehicles are carefully designed. All history has been revised. You don't know whether your current situation is good or bad because there is no "past" and you can't compare all people are "ignorant". However, it is the”obedient” that makes them ignorant. In the long run. A hierarchical society can only exist if it is based on poverty and ignorance. The people here are just a bunch of machines with real flesh and blood. This is a warm but unusually cold world. The departments of this world are divided into four main ones: **Ministry of Truth, Ministry of Love, Ministry of Plenty, and Ministry of Peace. As the story progresses**. I realized that the Ministry of Peace is responsible for war, the Ministry of Truth creates lies, the Ministry of Love is responsible for torture, and the Ministry of Plenty creates hunger, which is as contradictory as the three lines.

  • 中国历史全知道(彩图精装)


  • 中国历史全知道(彩图精装)

    从本书写作的时间和内容在日后一一在现实复刻来看,佩服作者的想象力和对人类政治准确的预见力。 这种生活,活着又与死亡有何差别?不,是有差别的,因为活着,比死亡更加痛苦。 三个章节注意推进,直到最后一章全面爆发,令人阅读时心如刀绞,脊背发凉的同时可笑于O‘Brain的无脑唯心主义教义崇拜。和无知却以为自己信奉的一切都是绝对正确并神圣的人是无法讲道理的,不仅讲不通道理,还要遭受身心俱损的酷刑直到无力再反抗,甚至最终被洗脑对其臣服。毕竟对Big Brother来说,放弃反抗或是假装归顺相比于发自内心的自愿成为其信徒相比都不够完美…… 说句题外话,刚开始读的时候由于对Winston的生活和社会背景的不适与抵触,使人无法提起兴致继续阅读。直到女主角Julia的出现,纸条上的那句I love you瞬间给了我无限动力继续吃瓜。这本书要是没有爱情的美好点缀,恐怕很多读者都坚持不到最高潮的第三章 哈哈 五星推荐本书!

  • 中国历史全知道(彩图精装)

    之前也看了《动物庄园》,顺带着做一点比较。 《动物庄园》采用全知视角叙述,更为客观,带有一定的寓言和童话的色彩,讲述了不完善的、缺乏对民主和法制的深刻认识,又没有建立起完善的权力制约制度的革命造成生活更加悲惨的悲剧,强调了革命外表下逐步达到个人独裁目的的政治手段 主旨是由于掌握分配权的集团的根本利益在于维系自身的统治地位,无论形式上有着什么样的诉求,其最终结果都会与其维护社会公平的基本诉求背道而驰。 《1984》用限知视角叙述的部分,用人物意识来实现聚焦,让故事更精彩,比如后文O'Brien和店主Charrington身份的反转就让人充满了意外,读起来更有代入感,最后被洗脑的内容恐怖感很强。揭露了现实社会某些因素极度夸张后的结果,十分悲观绝望。 主旨是在极权主义盛行的国家,个人是没有自由的,只能忠实地服从于国家领袖。反映极权主义的恐怖。 就我个人理解,《1984》中党和Winston的冲突其实是思维和存在是否具有同一性的一种争论,思维能否正确反应存在。也就是不可知论与可知论的对立:不可知论不承认思维与存在的同一性,否认人认识世界的能力,不相信科学;可知论承认并坚持思维与存在的同一性,认为世界是可以认识的,人有认识世界的能力,相信科学。最终我们可以看到拥有绝对权力的党所采用的不可知论胜出了,党用其统治世界也带来了无意又有意的思想消灭。 不可知论现在在我们看来是具有其合理性的,因为人的思想是具有其局限性的,认识会具有一定的偏差。但是如果我们完全不相信科学,很可能就会被人牵着鼻子走,丧失掉自己的想法。 所以现在的我们认为,在人类世代的连续系列中,在社会实践的发展中,人的认识能力又是无限的,一切尚未被认识的事物终究会被认识。世界上只有尚未被认识之物,不存在不能认识之物。用辩证的思维方式看待科学,不一味相信,也不全不相信。而不可知论也暗示了应当以不同于自然科学方法的方法研究人类自身存在的意义,带来了积极的影响。可见认识到理论的利与弊,才能更好的行事。 因此我认为本书奥威尔在阐述其政治主张的同时也探讨了一种深刻的哲学问题,是十分值得再去细细研究的。

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