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    1、金钱不是目的,而只是达到目的的一种手段。money is not an end, but a means to achieve it. 2、如果你需要信口开河、会说的人,得找个男人;如果你需要找具体做事儿的人,一定要找个女人!if you need to talk and talk, you have to find a man; if you need to find a specific person, you must find a woman. 25、假如你想要的是空谈,问男人;假如你想有些作为,问女人。if you want to talk empty handed, ask a man; if you want to do something, ask a woman. 3、根本就不存在‘社会’这种东西。there is no such thing as' society 'at all. 4、我会奋战不懈,为了胜利而战。I will fight unremittingly and fight for victory. 5、我们所需求的仅仅是把我们的钱拿回来——尽管这句话曾被误读为‘我想拿回我的钱’。all we need is to get our money back even though this sentence has been misinterpreted as "I want to get my money back." 6、我喜欢争论,我喜欢辩论,我不希望任何人只是坐在我边上,同意我的观点,这不是他们的工作。I like arguments. I like debates. I don't want anyone to sit on my side and agree with me. This is not their job. 7、我们只是要回我们的钱。we're just going back to our money. 8、我任职只有一个意图:改变英国,从仰赖他人转为自力更生。从‘拿来给我’的国家,变为‘自己动手’。一个‘立马行动’的英国,而不是等着东西掉到我们手上的国家。I have only one intention in my job: to change Britain, from dependence on others to self-reliance. From "bring it to me" into "do it yourself". A British "action", rather than waiting for things to fall into our hands. 9、家就是你没事可做时去的地方。home is where you can go when you have nothing to do. 11、以一名资历尚浅的保守党党员的身份,我们有权发言;我们将激流勇进,将过去的苦难转变为今天的平静。as a conservative conservative member, we have the right to speak; we will advance the torrent to turn the past sufferings into today's peace. 12、做大人物就像做淑女一样。如果你告诉人们你是,那就说明你不是。Being a big man is like being a lady. If you tell people you are, that means you are not. 13、只要最后能随我所愿,我就会极有耐心。as long as I can last as I wish, I will be very patient. 14、我们想要一个人民可以自由的选择、犯错、持有宽容及同情心的社会。这就是我们所谓的道德社会;不是一个国家要负所有责任,而没有人须要为国家负责的社会。we want a society where people can freely choose, make mistakes, have tolerance and compassion. This is what we call a moral society; it is not a country that assumes all responsibilities, but no one needs to be responsible for the country. 15、没有人会记得起乐于助人者,如果这个人只有好心。他还得有钱,人们才会记得。no one will remember to be helpful, if this person is only kind. He has to have money, and people will remember. 17、从政是因为有正邪之争,而我坚信邪不胜正。politics is due to the dispute between good and evil, and I firmly believe that evil can not prevail. 18、如果你一心为了讨喜,那你就要准备随时随地的屈就,并且你会一事无成。if you are intent on pleasing, then you should be prepared to bend at any time and anywhere, and you will accomplish nothing. 19、我并不十分苛求孩子,对他们的教育严到中等程度就行了,要教育孩子懂得是非,当然也得有些纪律,但是要为纪律而纪律,要说明道理。孩子会没完没了的问个明白,你要始终十分耐心;不管怎么样,我得说明道理,答复他们的问题。有些父母对自己的孩子说得不够,这是当前的重要问题之一。I do not be very demanding of children, to their education is strict to the middle level, to educate the children to know what is wrong, of course, also have some discipline, but to discipline and discipline, to explain the truth. The child will ask incessant questions, you must be patient all the time; in any case, I have to explain the reason and answer their questions. Some parents are not saying enough to their children, which is one of the important problems at present. 20、我不是一位共识政治家,我是一个有信念的政治家。I am not a consensus politician. I am a statesman with conviction. 22、我不在意我的大臣们谈了多少,只要他们按我说的做。I don't care how much my ministers talk about as long as they do what I say. 23、我要继续战斗,我要战斗直至胜利。I will continue to fight, I will fight until victory. 24、任何一位知道如何管理一个家庭的人将更透彻的知道如何管理一个国家。anyone who knows how to manage a family will have a clearer idea of how to manage a country. 16、任何了解持家问题的女人,会更了解执政的问题。any woman who understands housekeeping will have a better understanding of the issue of governance. 30、了解持家难处的女性,较易明白治国之难处。it is easier to understand the difficulty of running a country by understanding women who are hard at home. 26、我带着一个目的来到这个办公室:令英国社会从依赖走向自力更生;从人人为我到我为人人;建立一个奋发有为的英国,而不是消极怠工的英国。I came to this office with a goal: to make English society from relying on self reliance; from everyone to me to be all for everyone; to build a Great Britain, not an idle Britain. 27、在11年半的美好时光后,我们终将离开唐宁街。我感到非常高兴,因为相比11年半前上任的时候,今天的英国已经变得更好。after 11 and a half years of good time, we will eventually leave Downing street. I feel very happy, because today compared to 11 and a half years ago, Britain has become better. 28、凡是有不和的地方,我们要为和谐而努力;凡是有谬误的地方,我们要为真理而努力;凡是有疑虑的地方,我们要为信任而努力;凡是有绝望的地方,我们要为希望而努力。Where there is a disagreement, we must work for harmony; wherever there is a fallacy, we must work for the truth; wherever there is doubt, we must work for trust; wherever there is despair, we must work for hope. 29、站在路中间是很危险的,因为你会被从两个方向来的车辆撞倒。standing in the middle of the road is very dangerous, because you will be knocked down from two directions. 31、带着微笑的背叛。这可能是世上最恐怖之事。with a smile of betrayal. This may be the most frightening thing in the world. 32、我爱争论,我爱辩论。我可不预期有人就安静的同意我的说法。这不是他们的工作。I love debates. I love debates. I don't expect anyone to agree with me quietly. It's not their job. 34、我们必须阻止英国倒退。如今,英国的精神重现,像过去一样熊熊燃烧。we must stop the British retrogression. Today, the spirit of Britain reappears as it used to be. 35、钱不会从天上掉下来,必须脚踏实地去挣。money will not fall from the sky, must be down-to-earth to earn. 36、哪里有混乱,我们就带去和谐;哪里有错误,我们就带去真实;哪里有怀疑,我们就带去信任;哪里有沮丧,我们就带来希望。where there is chaos, we bring harmony; where there are mistakes, we take it to reality; where there is doubt, we take trust; where there is depression, we bring hope. 38、如果你愿意,大可自己改变。但女士是不会转变的。if you want, you can change yourself. But the lady is not going to change. 39、在我这个时代没有女性将成为首相或者外交大臣,不可能出任这些最高级的职位。不管怎样,我不想当首相,但是你该对自己有百分百的自信。in my time, no woman will become prime minister or minister of foreign affairs. Anyway, I don't want to be prime minister, but you should be 100% confident in yourself. 40、注意你的思想,因为它将变成言辞;注意你的言辞,因为它将变成行动;注意你的行动,因为它将变成习惯;注意你的习惯,因为它将变成性格;注意你的性格,因为它将决定你的命运。pay attention to your thoughts, for it will become words; pay attention to your words, because it will become action; pay attention to your action, because it will become a habit; pay attention to your habits, because it will become character; pay attention to your character, because it will determine your destiny. ——出自网络

  • HR+三支柱:人力资源管理转型升级与实践创新

    这本书读后有点儿小失望,原本带着一颗极其虔诚的心准备认真倾听夫人的这13堂智慧课,可是书中体现萨切尔夫人人格魅力的经典事例极少,反倒是掺杂了一些不着边际的不合时宜的例子,比如邓文迪的故事,拉低了整本书的价值。 虽说类似鸡汤文,但还是有所收获,知道了从一个杂货商之女到英国首相,玛格丽特·撒切尔的蜕变,源于她内心的坚强和渴望成功的野心,她这个一流的创造天才,以自己的才能,充分利用个人有限的资源达到顶峰,并持续保持多年。她的智慧就在于她在不服输的同时,借助了野心这一动力,终于通过不懈的努力,成就了一份属于自己、属于女人的辉煌事业。她是所有期望突破传统界限的世界各地妇女的杰出榜样。 从女人的角度来说,女人首先要为自己而活,用宽容彰显你的气度与人格,也同样要用“狭隘”来昭示你的底线与原则,过度的宽容与放纵只会让人以为这是软弱好欺负的表现,只有有限度的宽容,才能真正实现“宽容他人,幸福自己”的目的,把自己调整好了,自尊自强自爱,生活才会更有价值,这样的女人身上会散发出迷人的芬芳,也更能赢得男人深厚的爱。 红颜弹指老,刹那芳华。女人的美,一定是要经过岁月、阅历来淬炼的。那种从内而外散发出的美才最扣人心弦。即使你现在能看到很多年轻漂亮的女孩子,那只是从五官身材上来打量。但是,更多人欣赏的美,是坐下来能从你眼中读出的东西,闭上眼也能体会到你散发出的魅力。那是一个人内在涵养或修养的外在体现,是内在的不自觉的外露,而不仅是表面工夫。如果胸无点墨,那任凭用再华丽的衣服装饰,这人也是毫无研读的价值,反而给人肤浅的感觉。所有的女人,无论她有多大的雄心壮志,最终也不免被岁月弄得面目全非。青春永远只是人生的过客,来不及缱绻情长,便倏然离去。但所幸,还有风情。风情可以守候女人的一生,从恰似春光明媚的青春少女到蕴涵深邃如散文一般的中年,再到白发苍苍、悠然淡然的老年,随着岁月褶痕的加深而愈加浓郁和芬芳。 我们需要保持一份无所畏惧困境的态度,以及懂得珍惜肯定生活中小小成就的智能,创造快乐平和的心境。是否幸福,不在于你曾经拥有什么,而在于你时下感受到的是什么。平和心态,让岁月静好。

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  • HR+三支柱:人力资源管理转型升级与实践创新

    读书的女人兰心蕙质,书中总能找到令人惊喜的东西,总能产生令人难以释怀的体验和快乐。那些充满灵性的美文佳作、连珠妙语总能给人满口余香之感,使人徜徉其间,流连忘返。 “书卷多情似故人,晨昏忧乐每相亲。”

  • HR+三支柱:人力资源管理转型升级与实践创新

    作为女人,我喜欢经常读一读此类书籍,以提醒自己是个女人,提醒自己如何做一个自信,自尊,自爱,自强的女人,如何进行内外兼修,如何上得厅堂入得厨房,如何热爱生活并享受生活,如何让自己优雅地老去...如此才不忹来世间走一回。 此书是真人讲书,我听了两遍,受益匪浅!

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