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  • 解放战争:决战(全六册)


  • 解放战争:决战(全六册)


  • 解放战争:决战(全六册)

    海明威的文字简洁,中英对照看得并不是很费力。从始至终猜测The Sun Also Rises的潜在含义,到最后似曾相识的场景,似乎才真正看破这一片虚无。

  • 解放战争:决战(全六册)


  • 解放战争:决战(全六册)

    A story about the decadent life of young men who always indulge in alcohol and fiesta. The protagonist with decent behave always helps his friends and gives good impressions on strangers. However due to his disability he give up his lover Brett while she keeps having affairs with different men.

  • 解放战争:决战(全六册)

    想融化在夏天 在被子下面 你找不到我 身体有隐约的痛 骨头还是自己的么 羡慕还能蹦蹦跳跳的少年 那是过去的自己 是未来的你 渐渐感到生命的衰竭 别怕 太阳照常升起

  • 解放战争:决战(全六册)

    The world is always wheeling like a wonderful nightmare,either for Jack in the book or the rest of us in the life.

  • 解放战争:决战(全六册)

    Quite a pleasuable experience in a while

  • 解放战争:决战(全六册)

    I can not understand those characters the author describes in this novel. They are so strange, they do not think, behave in the way we are familiar with. Anyway I finished it, and gained some knowledge about Spainish culture and their bull-fighting.

  • 解放战争:决战(全六册)


  • 解放战争:决战(全六册)

    I do not like this type of novel,ehhhh~,and at the beginning of several chapters, i read there just one line——sleep,drink wine,have coffee,and a little time have quarrel with each other and go to bed or go out~so i think it's so boring~ Then i try to find some introduce about it,and understand the writing background——this book is about the postwar and the Lost Genaration,and go on to read the last chapters. And the main wine line have not any big different, and the things which impressed me are “fishing”“bull- fights”“and the SHOW of Brett😂” and what's more,“I” is the protagonist in the novel,but i do not understand “I”too much , just read out “i” love Brett but do not say it out,not too much words or action, just always company with her~ Maybe several years after, when I read this novel again, I will have another and more thinking.

  • 解放战争:决战(全六册)

    英文小说看的少,不是很能准确评断写作风格啊技巧啊这类东西,只是模糊的从一些描写上感受到了情绪,松散的,关切的,最打动我的是非常有力非常intense的一个场景,Jake和Brett坐在看台上看Romero在斗牛场上斗牛的一幕。那时候Romero刚因为对Brett的感情和前拳击运动员Cohn打了一架,带伤上阵。他知道Brett坐在台上看着,但从始至终他没有向台上看一眼。太喜欢这段了。never once did he look up. 看到全书1/3的时候我基本放弃了寻找全书的中心思想和概括主要内容,的确也不是所有的书都是为了说明什么,可能仅仅作出诉说这个动作就够了。记录一段生活,表达一种状态,发泄一种情绪,都是诉说的动机。 The sun also rises,名字起得真好。写这个读后感的时候,正好放到那首我超级喜欢的the sun is shining down。作为微信读书上加入书架的第200本书,还是很不错的。

  • 解放战争:决战(全六册)

    总觉得这本书的书名翻译不太准确,直译应该是“太阳也会升起”,据说出自圣经,从圣经原文联系到书的内容,才觉得逻辑顺了。The sun also rises as one generation passed away and another comes, but the earth abides forever. 类似于我们喜欢把年轻人比作初升的太阳,这本书也在讲世代的更替吧,尽管很多书评说作者是在哀叹迷失的一代,但是否换个角度像Romero和自行车赛手们一样有朝气的新生代终会成长起来,只要我们还脚踏着这片土地。(海明威的书很适合作英语读物啊,通俗易懂) “One generation passeth away, and another generation cometh; but the earth abideth forever... The sun also ariseth, and the sun goeth down, and hasteth to the place where he arose... The wind goeth toward the south, and turneth about unto the north; it whirleth about continually, and the wind returneth again according to his circuits... All the rivers run into the sea; yet the sea is not full; unto the place from whence the rivers come, thither they return again.” Ecclesiastes 一代过去,一代又来,地却永远长存。日头出来,日头落下,急归所出之地。风往南刮,又向北转,不住地旋转,而且返回转行原道。江河都往海里流,海却不满。江河从何处流,仍归还何处。 ——《圣经·传道书》

  • 解放战争:决战(全六册)

    书名:The Sun Also Rises 作者:[美]欧内斯特·海明威 篇幅:618页 用时:约十小时 查词:138个 很具有海明威特色的长篇小说,迷茫中堕落,酒中寻乐,真可谓醉生梦死的生活。还有些人不顾家人在生活中寻找刺激,比如文中有人因斗牛而丧失生命(没有了解背景,读起来有些晦涩难懂,斗牛完事后就被杀死,当时这种残忍的死亡被认为艺术?那可真是残忍)。 因为主角的感情色彩不是喜欢的类型,断断续续一个月才看完,差点弃书了(个人不喜欢这乱糟糟的感情,给我的感觉有些“丧”)。不过这本书句式比《老人与海》简单很多,俚语较多,可供学习。 书摘 1:Don't get sore ; I don't mean it. 不要不高兴,我不是故意的。 2:every once in a while. 每隔一段时间。 3:“Don't you ever get the feeling that all your life is going by and you're not taking advantage of it? Do you realize you've lived nearly half the time you have to live already? ” 你有没有过这样的感觉:你的一生就这样过去了,而你却没有好好利用它?你意识到你已经活了将近一半的时间了吗? 4:Don't you be rash. 别那么鲁莽 5:Don't be cross with Robert,  别生罗伯特的气 6:Brett was damned good-looking. 布雷特长得帅极了。 7:At one time or another I had probably considered it from most of its various angles.  我可能从不同的角度考虑过这个问题。. 8: get in a frightful row. 吵得不可开交 9:I lay awake thinking and my mind jumping around.  我躺在床上醒着思考,脑子里一片混乱。 10:“Don't be an ass.” 别犯傻了 11: It is awfully easy to be hard-boiled about everything in the daytime, but at night it is another thing.  在白天对什么都不动感情是极为容易的,但在晚上就是另外一回事了。 12:There was the pleasant early-morning feeling of a hot day.  有一种令人愉快的大热天的清晨感觉。 13:This is on me. 我请客 14:He just gets on my nerves. 他让我心烦。 15:You've got hell's own drag with the concierge now. 你现在已经和看门人闹得不可开交了。 16:Don't be an ass. 别犯傻了。 17:let's not get daunted. 我们不要气馁。 18:You can't blame him such a hell of a lot.  你不能怪他太多。 19:He said it with an air of superior knowledge that irritated both of us. 他说这话时带着一种高人一等的神气,这使我们俩都很恼火。 20:You've got a rotten chance.  你的机会渺茫。 21:What a damn-fool thing to do.  做了一件多么愚蠢的事。 22:It sounds like a swell life,  这生活听起来真棒。 23:Our stay on earth is not for long. Let us rejoice and believe and give thanks. 我们停留的时间终究不长。让我们欢喜,让我们相信,让我们感恩。 24:All our biggest business men have been dreamers. Look at Ford. Look at President Coolidge. Look at Rockefeller. Look at Jo Davidson 我们所有的大商人都是梦想家。看看福特。看看柯立芝总统。看洛克菲勒。看看乔·戴维森 25:What rotten luck for me.  我真倒霉。 26:It reflects discredit on me. 这使我名誉扫地。 27: you might not be such a bloody ass.  你也许不是个混蛋 28:You were quite green, Robert. 罗伯特,你是新手。 29:she was telling him not to be a ruddy ass. 她告诉他不要当个混蛋。 30:have such a hell of a happy life  过着如此幸福的生活 31: I'm going to get a little sleep. 我要去睡个小觉。 32:Let's roll for it. 我们开始吧。 33:I can't stand it to think my life is going so fast and I'm not really living it. 我无法忍受我的生活过得这么快,我并没有真正地生活。 34:You can't get away from yourself by moving from one place to another. There's nothing to that. 从一个地方搬到另一个地方,你无法摆脱自己。没什么了不起的。 35:It is awfully easy to be hard-boiled about everything in the daytime, but at night it is another thing. 在白天对什么都不动感情是极为容易的,但在晚上就是另外一回事了。

  • 解放战争:决战(全六册)

    酒不足以醉,情不足以殇。 斗场接沙场,尘舞血飞扬。 生离纵永诀,我心亦寻常。 回首萧瑟处,转眼又朝阳。

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