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  • 半小时漫画中国史4

    I was confused before that why this movie named in Coco, which just a name from an insignificant character.  After done this, I turned to find Coco is a vital clue. Hecter's (Miguel's great great grandfather) existence based on her memory,which, in some sense, she is a link between the living land and after-death world. Moreover , she plays a big role to push the plots. The movie impressed me and it's joyful to relive the English version novel. It covers a wide range of topics like death,dream and family. I don't fully agree the idea that families are supposed to outweigh dreams. We are always searching for a balance. Seize your moment! Whenever the moments with family or meet dreaming opportunities.  And, always remember, what you do will definitely pay back oneday, no matter goodness or sin.

  • 半小时漫画中国史4

    在爱的记忆消失前,请记住我。 人的一生,要死去三次。第一次,心跳停止,在生物学上被宣告死亡;第二次,下葬,在社会上不复存在;第三次,世界上最后一个记得你的人把你忘记。 恋爱,也是要死去三次的吗。第一次,分手;第二次,对方开始新的生活;第三次,曾经刻骨铭心的感觉,自己忘掉了。 面对选择,你怎么选? 少年,束缚与梦想。小米格怀揣对音乐的热爱,在家族所有人的反对下追求音乐。我们身背包袱,在反抗中暗自追求,追求那叫做“梦想”的希望。 青年,诱惑与道德。德拉库斯暗杀好友为成名,践踏个人与道德的底线。金钱、荣誉、权力表现得极为诱人。拥有它们后,贪婪如影随形。贪奢破坏了我们的心灵纯质,可怕的是,得到愈多,愈不满足。金钱和灵魂,你要哪一个? 壮年,事业与家庭。永远没有什么能够让人毫不犹豫地做出选择的法则。面对上有老下有小的现实,梦想会妥协给生活吗? 老年,生与死。你希望别人记住你吗?你愿意以被遗忘为代价来让别人回归生活吗?我们惧怕死亡,惧怕完全的消失,所以,学会爱。在死亡面前,快乐、难过、愤怒等等终将过去,唯爱永恒。 请记住我好吗,我想被证明,我存在过。

  • 半小时漫画中国史4

    “When there's no one left in the living world who remembers you, you disappear from this world. We call it the final death.” 最后还是看哭了,很久之前看过电影,小男孩给Coco 唱Remember me 那一段印象深刻。对我来说,这本书的生词太多了,一边点翻译一边看。还需要努力学好英语,迪士尼的电影我都喜欢,我想自己看原版书,再去看电影,这样理解更深。

  • 半小时漫画中国史4


  • 半小时漫画中国史4

    In Chinese legend,every dead people need to drink Mengpo soup and pass the Naihe bridge,and then they can forget everything they experienced when they were alive,at the same time,the people they love also fade in their memory.After that,they become new,they are so new that they can be born in the living word again.That's why we hate death,it deprive us of the people we love. But in this story,the living and dead people can have parties together in the Day of the Dead,as long as the living people still remember the dead people.I perfer this story and this Mexico traditional festival,it's happier and means that we will never lost anyone we love. Día de los Muertos[插图]: the Day of the Dead.

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