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  • 剑桥中华民国史(1912-1949年)(合集)

    Reflection to Little women By Louisa M Alcott It's a long journey since I started reading Little women one month ago, maybe two, I don't really remember. You know, when the battle is long, one does always forget his original purpose. And I guess this is why people often call others to hold onto their "original heart"! LOL~ Okay, come back to the topic, when I started, I was not fascinated by it. But being one of the two girls in my family and cared often by mom in childhood, I was a little curious how did the girls get on and and did Mrs. March preserve in. And little by little, I was driven to it. Not only by their developments through time, but also a sentiment felt deep in my heart. I like Meg for being true and sincere. She was meek and genuine. Being the eldest daughter in the March family, always felt a sense of taking responsibilities for the rest, although she was a child herself in the eyes of her parents. And She was brave defending her John when aunt March accusing Brook of snobbery for asking Meg's hand from her father, so chivalry galant. (Maybe it was not fit for Meg's lady-like character, but she did deserve the honor for doing this.) Jo, with a boyish rebellion of herself and a social desire of being good, took a long way to subside her bosom enemy-- quick temper, before jumping out and flame over her. It was hard I knew, and she had suffered much because of her hot tempers: let Amy fall into the water when skating, quarrel often with Laurie, slip the chance of going abroad with her aunt and so on, but she learned it through experiences. Though being rash without, within was full of care and sincerity, for those who loved her, and for those whom she loved. Among these four girls, I particularly love Jo. And I took a fancy that I was 70 percent alike her. Disliking philandering, sometimes feeling loneliness, sting or light and waiting for someone to love me. It took Jo five- and-twenty years for waiting her Bhaer, I simply guesses it would took me longer. As for Amy, to be honest, I did not like her at first. Being vain and mercenary, she was too much for my simple innocent mind.(haha) But I did adored her sociability, Her decorous demeaner. People did grow out of different forms and people did change. After Rome took all her vanity away and Laurie saved her from her mercenary "Yes, thank you", she became more and more likable, for me at least. (Though as I expected at first, Laurie would have a happy ending with my Jo. But I preferred Mr. Bhaer more after his dropping by at the Marches, for what Jo needed was a man righteous, wise and mature enough.) And little Beth, always thinking of others before herself, was so frail and fragile. Even in her illness, she was worried of being a burden to those who loved her. She never uttered a word if she could hold the pain, and buried the secret of herself till she could no more. How considerate and altruistic the girl was. Though being too shy for school, she associated the neighbors with her sincere help and love. She was observant and grateful and sympathetic and companionate. She was Mr. Laurence's little girl, and she would definitely be our little angel. Regarding Laurie, bereft of both parents, was pining for petting and caring before acquainting with Jo. The two were too much alike, thus they were not suit for a couple. But people like them could be friends, for a life-long. Laurie was not always a spoiled beau, being roused, he grew a man out of a childish boy. And Brook and Bhaer, though being poor, God did not deprive them the right of love. Whether showing love to people who they loved or accepting love from people who loved them, they did a great job at both. For Mr. March and Mrs. March, I dare say it was fortunate to have parents like those two, preaching through practice but not often, correcting mistakes after they experienced, expressing feelings with utter frankness, they set a example of model parents. But those who did not have parents like them or did not at all, do not feel despondent or depressed, for it is better as it is. I've set up my mind if I have some little girls later, I'd show her the book, read her the story and tell her the morals. Though morals did not sell at Jo's time, it could be better in the 21st century.

  • 剑桥中华民国史(1912-1949年)(合集)

    书名:小妇人:Little Women 作者:[美]路易莎·M·奥尔科特(Louisa May Alcott) 篇幅:1692页 查词:500个(有丢失) 历时:约40小时 感悟:本书以家庭生活为描写中心,描述了马奇一家的天伦之爱和子女成长过程中的感情纠葛。读的过程中,我的心情很容易随着温馨的家庭氛围和唯美的景色衬托起起伏伏。(超级喜欢书里面景色的细节描写,本书被翻拍成的电影,我看了两个版本94版和20版。电影画面也是极其富有感情色彩的,值得推荐) 马奇一家有四个姐妹,生活清贫、简单却又不失温馨。四组妹性格迥异,老大梅格漂亮端庄,有些爱慕虚荣,但她有她的担当;老二乔脾气暴躁,但是她是很真实的人。追求自由独立,渴望成为作家;老三贝丝害羞又很善良,热爱音乐;老四艾米艾米是家里的宠儿,有点儿自私和虚荣心,但是她很有绘画天赋,聪慧活泼,处事圆滑,有一种不费吹灰之力就能使人感到愉快的能力,一直希望成为一名上流社会的淑女。 这四姐妹中,无论是为了爱情甘于贫困的梅格(主要是她的丈夫约翰也是一位有责任和担当的人,支持他们走下去的,有彼此的爱和互相理解),还是通过自己奋斗成为作家的乔(虽然写作途中,差点失去初心,幸好巴尔教授及时拉住了她,坚持自我的走下去),以及坦然面对死亡的贝思(善良的贝思因为帮忙照顾邻居家的孩子,染上猩红热,之后一直体弱多病而离开。看到这的时候,真是惋惜)和虽有野心但坦坦荡荡的艾米(艾米希望成为上流社会的一员,但她从不对身边的人隐瞒,坦坦荡荡,活的明明白白),虽然她们的理想和命运都不尽相同,但是她们都具有自强自立的共同特点。 这四个女孩都拥有女人的独立,有自己热爱的事业:写作,绘画,音乐,表演。(是不是很现代化,很符合当代社会女性对自由独立和事业的追求。当时社会下,能写出这样一本流传多年的经典书籍,很是让人敬佩)其中少不了这位集生活智慧于一身的马奇太太,丈夫常年在外(打仗),但是马奇太太却把四个女儿教育的很好,尊重她们的选择,鼓励她们追求自己的幸福。更是言传身教,教梅格如何做一个好妻子和好母亲(家庭权力平分,责任翻倍for marriage, halves one's rights and doubles one's duties.。爸爸这一角色也要充分参与到育儿之中,对孩子的教育不能撒手不管。看到这样的育儿观,真是觉得马奇太太,真真是生活智慧的化身。家有一老,如有一宝) 所有时代的所有少女成长过程中所要面对的经历的,都可以在这本书中找到。初恋的甜蜜和烦恼,感情与理智的徘徊,理想和现实的差距,贫穷与富有的矛盾。书中暖心家庭环境,静美的景色描述,读者随故事里的主人公一起悲哀喜乐,在他们身上看到自己的影子。 书摘: 1:It's so dreadful to be poor! 贫穷真可怕! 2:I hate affected, niminy-piminy chits! 我讨厌虚假、矫揉造作的毛头妹! 3:You are altogether too particular and prim. Your airs are funny now, but you'll grow up an affected little goose if you don't take care. I like your nice manners and refined ways of speaking, when you don't try to be elegant. But your absurd words are as bad as Jo's slang. 你过于讲究,过于一本正经。你的神态现在看上去挺有趣,但要是一不小心,长大就会变成个装模作样的小傻瓜。如果不刻意作态,你的言谈举止倒是十分优雅的,不过你那些荒谬的言语和乔的傻话却是半斤对八两。 4:We never are too old for this, my dear, because it is a play we are playing all the time in one way or another. 我们永远不会太老,亲爱的,因为这是一出我们一直在以这样或那样的方式上演的戏。 5:takw several good looks at sb 仔细打量某人 6:Nothing but grinding or skylarking. 除了磨磨蹭蹭和开开玩笑,什么都不做。 7:I had a capital time. 我玩得很开心。 8:You're the crossest person in it! 你是最容易生气的人!(脾气最暴躁的人) 9:Poor Meg seldom complained, but a sense of injustice made her feel bitter toward everyone sometimes, for she had not yet learned to know how rich she was in the blessings which alone can make life happy. 可怜的梅格很少抱怨,但一种不公平的感觉有时使她对每个人都感到痛苦,因为她还不知道自己拥有多么丰富的幸福,而幸福本身就能使生活幸福。 10:A quick temper, sharp tongue, and restless spirit were always getting her into scrapes, and her life was a series of ups and downs, which were both comic and pathetic. 急躁的脾气、尖刻的言辞和焦躁不安的精神总是使她陷入困境,她的生活充满了起起落落,既滑稽又可悲。 11:She was a great favorite with her mates, being good-tempered and possessing the happy art of pleasing without effort. 她是她的伙伴们最喜欢的人,脾气很好,有一种不费吹灰之力就能使人感到愉快的艺术。 12:Amy was in a fair way to be spoiled, for everyone petted her, and her small vanities and selfishnesses were growing nicely. 艾美很可能被宠坏了,因为每个人都宠着她,她那小小的虚荣和自私也越来越明显。 13:The two older girls were a great deal to one another. 两个年长的女孩相处得很好。 14:I had a queer time with Aunt today, and, as I got the best of it. 今天我和舅妈闹得很别扭,好在我占了上风。 15:When you feel discontented, think over your blessings, and be grateful. 当你感到不满足时,想想自己的幸福,并心存感激。 16:Her respect and regard for the “Laurence” boy increased very much, for he played remarkably well and didn't put on any airs. 她对那个“劳伦斯家”男孩的尊敬和注重大大增加了,因为他演得非常好,从不摆架子。 17:All sorts of pleasant things happened about that time, for the new friendship flourished like grass in spring. 在这段时间里,发生了各种各样令人愉快的事情,因为新的友谊就像春天的青草一样茁壮成长。 18:this was an irresistible temptation. 这是一种不可抗拒的诱惑。 19: I shall be obliged to you. 我会感谢你的。 20:she was not frightened now, and gave the hand a grateful squeeze because she had no words to thank him for the precious gift he had given her. 她现在不害怕了,感激地紧紧握了一下他的手,因为她不知道该怎样感谢他送给她的珍贵礼物。

  • 剑桥中华民国史(1912-1949年)(合集)

    Reading Little Women, the moral novel by Louisa May Alcott   has taken me such a long time. It isn't because   the book is more difficult than any other the like, but because my own initial   intention of reading it. In the very beginning, I have selected    the book as material sources    of  translation practice, meanwhile, I was reading other big  volume books at the same time. So it is over  half a year since I began it, thus making it seemingly time-consuming.  Reading Little Women has been a journey of   warmth and pleasure because the book has   been about  four girls' growing stories all  the  time with numerous daily likes and dislikes, dreams and realities, joys and sorrows, loves  and vanities, ect. Generally speaking, it has been about light topics. Among the four girls, the elderest Mageret is tender, pretty but a little vainglory, works as a tutor for some naughty boys, often complain about her plain clothes and poor situation; Jo, the second, the main character, most boyish, a real tomboy, is very responsible, independent and literature-loving, unwillingly   goes to accompany Aunt March every day. She dreams of being financially free, which is quite out-standing for girls in the mid-19 century. Amy, the  third, who loves art, that is painting, is most practical and fashion-following, she cares about people's opinion much and tries her best to blend into high society, and finally Beth, the youngest, is the most lovely, music loving, quiet and   shy, never quarrels with people, always tries to make peace. The four girls of the March family, together with Mrs March, work hard to maintain life with humble standards, with Mr. March being away serving in the army for the country. The girls' stories mostly surround the good neighbor Mr. Laurence and his only grandson Laurie and March family's rich relative Aunt March, as well as some friends of the family. All through the book, kindness, charity, love, friendship,  patriotism,  religious pierty are the main content of writing, which indicate the intricate  feminine identity of a female author. The occasional sad or stressful event, like Amy's nearly getting drowned and Beth disease as well as her final early passing, Jo's refusal of Laurie's proposal won't disturb readers from taking it as the most loving stories, which give encouraging moral  teachings most of the time, and help people in similar drawbacks in life obtain strength and  will to fight against temporal difficulties, like    poverty, misunderstanding, loneliness, lack of confidence, envy and vainglory, and the like, all of which are finally overcome as they grow, learn and pursue with kind heart and free will.  Finally, Meg, Amy, Jo find their happiness and actualize their desired dream life, with Meg marrying John, Amy marrying Laurie and Jo Mr. Barre,  what's more, Jo, although hasn't got the  chance of travelling in Europe with Aunt March, she finally inherits a big house from Aunt March, which helps her realize her dream of opening her own school, during which she sticks to her  writing career. All in all, the book is typically American, with   obvious teachings in ideology. Many parts of the stories appear ideal, some seemingly not    so real, but it does not harm its status of being a world classic because many of those teachings in the book are really nourishing for human growth, especially the young, that is why it still pervails in modern world.

  • 剑桥中华民国史(1912-1949年)(合集)

    读《小妇人》有感 21世纪,我们为什么还需要《小妇人》? 每一个时代,都需要一种细腻的力量。在认清现实后,仍然热爱生活是真正的英雄主义,这群善良、热情、朝气蓬勃的温暖女孩们,在任何时代都会像火焰一样闪耀,激励一代又一代人真正热爱生活、拥抱生活。 多维女性各放异彩:幸福永远不止一种 在150年前,这些性格迥异却自信自尊自强的女孩们开启了所谓“女权”的先锋。其实《小妇人》中最可贵的“女权精神”莫过于对每一种女性生活方式的尊重。所谓女权,不应该是一位鼓吹消费主义与性别冲突的自私,更不应该是对选择了婚姻家庭的女性的仇视,形式追忆的吹毛求疵,而是发自内心对自我能力的自信,选择自主、自由的人生。 前两天读到一篇文章,在国际上,对于“幸福”这个概念,还有一定的评判标准的,而这主要面向的也是国家层面。 这套标准一共包括九大领域:教育、健康、环境、管理、时间、文化多样性和包容性、社区活力、内心幸福感、生活水平等。 在联合国发起的一年一度的《世界幸福报告》中,芬兰连续四年被评为世界上最幸福的国家,丹麦位居第二,然后是瑞士、冰岛和荷兰。新西兰依然是前十名中唯一的非欧洲国家。分析研究机构盖洛普(Gallup)收集了149个国家的人对自己幸福感的评分。据报告显示,世界上最不幸福的国家是阿富汗,其次是莱索托、博茨瓦纳、卢旺达和津巴布韦。 报告作者说,在约三分之一的国家中,“负面情绪的频率明显较高”,这很可能是由于新冠肺炎疫情的影响。不过,有22个国家的情况有所好转。几个亚洲国家的排名比去年的要好,而中国则从第94位升至第84位。 如在《小妇人》中,选择了家庭的Meg可以幸福,选择了爱情的Amy可以幸福,坚持梦想的Jo也可以追求幸福。《小妇人》中的女性可以毫不避讳去谈论金钱与野心,就算现实一遍遍冲击着理想,她们依然善良与积极向上,这无疑是对于如今“丧”文化横行现实的一针强心剂。 在《小妇人》这样父权形象长年缺失的故事中,女性也能承担得起经济责任,并且也能保持美、纯真与善良。性格迥异、多种维度的女性在《小妇人》乌托邦般的世界中,散发着属于各自的迷人光彩,打破性别固化。 这部家喻户晓的文学经典,在它成书后的一个多世纪里被数次搬上大小银幕。最早的一版影视改编是一部已经丢失了的默片,而在那之后,《小妇人》曾被改编为1933年、1949年、1994年的几部电影版,较为冷门的几部电视迷你剧和一部日本动画。书中经典的少男少女角色们,经历了一代代大明星的演绎,(包括凯瑟琳·赫本,伊丽莎白·泰勒,薇诺娜·瑞德,克里斯蒂安·贝尔……),也在不同年代的观众心中形成了某种固定而亲切的面貌。 2020年去看了最新版《小妇人》电影,那些与前作不同的大胆改编和跳出原著的重新解读,都是新版《小妇人》存在必要性的证明,也是为什么每个年代都需要自己的《小妇人》的原因。 1)不努力长得也不好看的你—— 主要价值=生育价值。 你=生育工具。 【这一阶段,女性广泛分布在社会底层,你没有任何权力主宰自己的身体,不信你试试和你老公和婆婆说你不想生孩子。】 2)不努力但是长得好看的你—— 主要价值=生育价值✖️娱乐价值。 你=生育工具+娱乐工具 【这一阶段,女性拥有了娱乐属性,女性的家庭地位视你另一半而变化,另一半越强大,你的家庭地位越低,娱乐属性占比越大。所以另一半越强大,拥有的娱乐工具越多,女性反而会主动强调自己的生育属性,主动且迫切地当生育工具。】 3)努力但是长得不好看的你—— 主要价值=生育价值✖️劳动价值。 你=生育工具+挣钱工具 【这一阶段,因为挣钱能力一定程度上决定了社会阶层,所以广泛分布在各个阶层,挣钱能力越强,生育属性越弱,也是这一类女性,最多的强调自己的子宫自己做主。潜台词就是强调自己的挣钱属性。因为经济地位决定政治地位。虽然很多女性没有意识到,这其实就是政治意识的萌芽】 4)努力也长得好看的你—— 主要价值=生育价值✖️娱乐价值✖️劳动价值 你=自己。 【这一阶段和上一阶段并没有明显区别,就好像工厂里也有不少好看的厂妹,因为有不少人和东哥一样,脸盲。你可以任意强调自己的价值属性,遇到富豪,你可以强调自己的生育价值,遇到喜欢的人,你可以强调自己的娱乐价值,在普通家庭,你可以强调自己的劳动价值。归根到底,面对世界上的大多数情况,你拥有了选择机会的同时,你也拥有了说不的权力。】 男性版: 主要价值=劳动价值 你=挣钱工具 【主要分布在全社会阶层,无选择权力,只能当个挣钱机器。你不一定是女人的奴隶,但你一定是资本的奴隶。】这就是资本对人的异化。 无产阶级只有解放全世界,才能解放自己。女性也是。温柔的一半是知识,没有涵养的温柔撑不起你要的风骨。愿所有的人明确地爱,直接地厌恶,真诚地喜欢,站在太阳下的坦荡,大声无愧地称赞自己。 柏拉图在《理想国》写到:我们总是东张西望,唯独漏了自己想要的,这就是我们至今难以如愿以偿的原因。 所以不管见识高低,一个人深度整理和收拾自己的内心,这件事本身就很迷人。M.斯科特.派克曾说人生是一连串的难题,解决人生问题的首要方案,乃是自律。 生活小习惯分享 1.不当月光族 2.朋友与TA 恋人吵架,不插手也不要多嘴。 3.厕所聊天不要聊任何人!宁愿聊吃的也不要聊八卦和别人的事! 4.周期性清理东西,清醒温柔知进退,明白什么人什么事对你重要,直面内心最深处。重要的人好好对待,重要的事儿好好坚持。 5.无论失败还是成功,定期反思自己。 6.锻炼身体,身体健康是了不起的软实力。 7. 独处不会让你觉得孤独,盲目的社交才会。 8. 终身学习是让你处于不败之地的“葵花宝典”。可以是任何书或新事物。废人都是间歇性的自虐,强者却是持续性的自律。 切记:一定一定一定要控制住自己炫耀的欲望。事实证明,炫耀除了给自己树敌、惹麻烦、拉仇恨,没什么大用。鲁迅先生曾写到:“人一旦悟透了就变得很沉默 不是没有与人相处的能力 而是没有了与人逢场作戏的兴趣。”🌻

  • 剑桥中华民国史(1912-1949年)(合集)

    女孩到底该怎么成长呢? 家庭教给她爱和善良,社会教给她独立和坚强,爱人教给她自尊和欣赏。学会这些,我们才能够一生温柔坦荡,不负爱与自由

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