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  • 精通以太坊:开发智能合约和去中心化应用

    出差一周,手机上交,场地封闭,无丝竹乱耳,无案牍劳形;《汉密尔顿》,九百页余,闲读甚好! 首先是作者的水平,没有多数传记的那种乏味和平淡,叙事节奏明快,事件环环相扣,情节层层递进,人物和历史脉络清晰明了,使人读来轻松惬意。 其次对汉密尔顿的一生有了明确但基本不带过多偏见(传记作家不带偏见那是不可能的)描述。以叙事为主,把基本判断留给读者,不把自己的观点强加给读者,这是我比较喜欢的做派。 第三是充分展现了主人公---汉密尔顿的完整一生:接近苦难的童年---父亲离家、母亲早逝、靠堂姐资助读书;青年辉煌-参与独立战争、跟随华盛顿驰骋疆场、成为美国开国元勋、《宪法》之父,财政、银行、信用、货币之父、联邦制之父、两党之父、海关税务之父、常备军之父、工业体系之父.....工作狂人、写作狂人、战斗狂人、挑战总统副总统、接近自残式的自我暴露....财政部长等等言之不尽的中年成就和个性;生命后期又挑拨党争、跌落神坛、与副总统决斗致死......总之情节引人入胜,拿起就难以释卷。 第四是张向玲、高翔和何皓瑜的翻译也读起来十分舒畅和惬意! 五是通过《汉密尔顿》也能大体了解美国历史、政治原理、经济发端、国家性格等等! 六是主人公的成功对我们现代人除了精神方面肯定有学习之处外,其理论和方法也有很多值得借鉴之处(如他对庞杂数据的细致统计分析、工业强国理论、制造业本质认识和发展以及他对待工作的态度等等),当然也能看到其人性的诸多弱点。

  • 精通以太坊:开发智能合约和去中心化应用


  • 精通以太坊:开发智能合约和去中心化应用

    他的敏锐思维、他的高瞻远瞩、他的无私忠诚以及不倦的工作热情令人钦佩不已;       他的天赋、他的抱负、他的努力、以及他所经历的一切使他成为那个时代最杰出的人;         他是上苍赐给美国最好的礼物🎁

  • 精通以太坊:开发智能合约和去中心化应用

    America was once virtually bankrupt as the government found it impossible to retire the debt inherited from the Revolution. “The fate of America was suspended by a hair”, Morris who was a Founding Father of America was to say. 美国曾经濒临破产,政府发现自己无力偿还独立战争留下的巨债。“美国命悬一线。”美国开国元勋莫里斯如是说。 Washington asking Morris what to do about the huge pile of public debt. Morris advised, “There is but one man in the United States who can tell you: that is, Alexander Hamilton.” 华盛顿询问莫里斯如何处理巨额政府债务,莫里斯建议:“在整个美国也只有一个人能告诉你怎么办:那就是亚历山大·汉密尔顿。” Alexander Hamilton was the founder and chief architect of the American financial system. 亚历山大·汉密尔顿是美国金融体系的创建者和主要设计者。 When Hamilton was still a baby, his father abandoned his family. They struggled to survive. 当汉密尔顿还是婴儿的时候,他的父亲就抛弃了他的家庭。他们挣扎在生存的边缘。 Two years later, right after New Year’s Day, his mother succumbed to a raging fever. Alexander, too, had contracted the unspecified disease. Mother and son had been joined in a horrid scene of vomiting as they lay side by side in a feverish state in the single upstairs bed. A few days later, The unconscious Alexander was dying and struggling with pain beside his mother when she expired. 两年后,新年刚过,母亲便感染恶疾。汉密尔顿也被这神秘的疾病感染。这对躺在同一张床上备受病痛折磨的母子被呕吐和高烧摧残得不成人形。几天后母亲离开人世的时候,已经不省人事的汉密尔顿就在他母亲身旁奄奄一息、痛苦地挣扎着。 By the day of the funeral, Hamilton had regained sufficient strength. Heaps of bills poured in, including for the batch of medicine that had failed to save their mother. 到了给母亲举办葬礼的时候,汉密尔顿已经恢复到有足够的力气。账单如雪花般纷至沓来,这其中就包括那些为母亲治病而白白花去的医药费。 In the following years his cousin and supposed protector had committed bloody suicide, and his aunt, uncle, and grandmother had all died. Hamilton, fourteen, was now left alone, friendless and penniless. That this fatherless adolescent could have ended up a founding father of a country he had not yet even seen—seems little short of miraculous. 在接下来的几年里他的表兄和监护人自杀身亡而他的姨妈、姨父以及外祖母全都离开了人世。14岁的汉密尔顿彻底成了一个孤儿,无依无靠,身无分文。这段经历本来足以在汉密尔顿的少年时代就早早地打垮这个未来美国的缔造者,然而最终的结局却恰恰相反,这不能不说是一个奇迹。 Hamilton snatched every spare moment to read. The young clerk aimed to be a man of letters. He may already have had a premonition that his facility with words would someday free him from his humble berth and place him on a par with the most powerful men of his age. 一有空闲,汉密尔顿就会抓紧时间读书。这个年轻人一心想成为一名作家。汉密尔顿或许在那时就已经预感到,有朝一日,写作会让他摆脱低贱的身份而跻身于同时代那些最有权势的人的行列中。 The upstairs living quarters held thirty four books—the first unmistakable sign of Hamilton’s omnivorous, self-directed reading. 在房子二楼的生活区里,一共有34本书——这是一个颇能反映汉密尔顿酷爱阅读的细节。 After a massive hurricane hit the island on the night of 1772, Hamilton composed a long letter to his father, trying to convey the hurricane’s horror. Soon the letter was published in the newspaper. 在1772年晚一场大规模飓风袭击该岛之后,汉密尔顿给他那离家出走的父亲写了一封长信来描述这场可怕的飓风。没过多久汉密尔顿的这封信就出现在报纸上了。 Hamilton’s famous letter about the storm astounds the reader. It does seem wondrous that a seventeen-year-old self-educated clerk could write with such verve and gusto. Clearly, Hamilton was highly literate. 汉密尔顿的这封有关风暴的信让读者们大吃一惊。很难想象,一个年仅17岁,完全依靠自学成才的少年,能写出那么雄浑有力的文字,显然,汉密尔顿当时已经有着极高的文学素养了。 Even the island’s governor inquired after the young author’s identity— that a subscription fund was taken up by local businessmen to send this promising youth to North America to be educated. 就连岛的总督也开始打听起作者的身份了,当地的商人们决定凑一笔钱把这个前途无量的小伙子送到北美去接受教育。 This Founding Father came to America alone. He fought at Washington's side in the Revolution, helped ensure the ratification of the Constitution, and saved the fledgling United States from financial ruin. 这位开国元勋独自来到美国。 他在独立战争中与华盛顿并肩作战,帮助确保了宪法的通过,并将刚刚起步的美国从经济崩溃中拯救出来。 Hamilton constantly educated himself, as if equipping his mind for the larger tasks ahead. Force of intellect and force of will were the sources of his success. 汉密尔顿一刻也没有停止学习,就像他马上就要肩负更重要的使命一样。知识与意志的力量是他成功的本源。 Hamilton fit the type of the self-improving autodidact, employing all his spare time to better himself. He aspired to the versatile man conversant in every area of knowledge. Thanks to his notebook we know that he read a considerable amount of philosophy. He also perused histories of Greece, and France. Although there was not much time to read after a busy day around Washington, yet he still seized every possible time to study on his own and applied it to profitable use. 汉密尔顿是最合格的自学者,他将所有的业余时间都用来充实自己。他最欣赏并且也是立志想要成为的,是在所有领域都能有所建树的全才型精英。正是因为他的这个笔记本,我们才知道他在那段时间阅读了大量的哲学家的著作,他还研读了希腊和法国的历史。尽管在华盛顿身边忙碌了一天后已经没有多少时间可以看书了,汉密尔顿还是抓紧一切可能的时间自学,并且学以致用。

  • 精通以太坊:开发智能合约和去中心化应用


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